We ventured around the area - first noticing lots of cats that look rather thin..(see photo!) - then Victor being really popular with local girls - getting kisses all the time. To our great surprise we live on a historic stretch that covers Le Ports Punic, Magnon Quarter and Anthonius Baths - the last one being absolutely breath taking. For the combined ticket that covers all sights in Carthage ( 8 dinnar plus 1 dinnar for photo taking - c. 4.50 Euro) you can see about 8 places from the Museum National of Carthage, to Anthonius Baths, Roman amphitheatre, Paleochristian Museum - very very impressive. The place is up to its neck in history and all that 5 minutes walk from our place. Le Ports date back to God knows what century and though now its just a few stones left the reconstruction shows what it really was - and that small beach that Victor plays at with the local guards that guard the residence of President's daughter is part of it ;)
Between the sightseeing we stopped for lunch in Cafe Neptun but the highlight really was watching a man fishing with his net! Photos below as well!
Oh yes Victor tried the national food - called Brique - (Brick!) with Tuna and runny egg - delish - and I am big fun of Harrisa - could eat buckets of it - did not want to take a photo just in case the waters were looking funny at me..
More to come..