Saturday, March 13, 2010

Babcia in Tunis!!

So first we went to Dublin - what a journey. Had great two weeks (1 for Gillou) there, seeing all the friends and sites and Victor loved his room and his toys back. Pretty quickly we got reminded that it rains all the time plus in one week there was more crime on the Telly and papers then what we here of in Tunisia in a year I think! Then it was the way back to Tunis with Babcia - see the way we travel - Mila strapped to me and Victor rules the airports.
And then we had Babcia Ela enjoying Hammam, massage, coffee and tea, kids - great time. Thanks to Babcia Ela we have a great collection of photos - some of which we share here!
Oh yes - we got the car now full time! And the police now recognize us so we get friendly waves and get stopped only 3 times a months and not 8 like before! (have I mentioned my red lights fine?- maybe in another post..)
We miss Babcia big time now!


They do grow so quick - Victor and Mila are starting playing together - so here some photos for family and friends!

Veg talk

Ok - I know veg is veg for some - but I do not stop being amazed by the way the vegetable taste here and by my local corner veg shop - here the sample of leeks - perfect for leek and potato soup or boiled quickly - then add red onion and vinegrette and put in the fridge to make a great cold summer lunch!

Bizert - my favourite image and bennies (donuts) of course

This is my my favorite photo taken in Bizert in the old port.
Next time we went to Bizert on our own was on the way to Raf Raf plage (in the post that follows) and we stopped to get donuts with figs and dates - the best and our favourite - eaten sitting on the stone in the old harbour - the taste of those we would love to take home with us! The lines of people waiting for them was amazing - you could see the "donut" master preparing the dough in the back and heating up the oil..will be back soon for some more!